Monthly Archives: March 2016

Release day!! As the Leaves Fall

Release day has come around a little quicker than planned. I guess that’s what happens when you’re juggling editing for three stories all at once.  I am now a master of time management, even if I’m a little more frazzled than usual.

Here’s the blurb for As the Leaves Fall.  Falling onto an eReader near you today!

The perfect job or the perfect man. Surely Aiden and Noah can have both, right?

Aiden Turner’s world flipped upside down when his vengeful ex-boyfriend destroyed a major project, costing his uncle’s architectural firm an important client. Feeling guilty, Aiden has since sworn off all romantic involvement with anyone he works with.

Noah Walker is getting ready to interview for his dream role when he catches Aiden’s eye on the London Tube. They strike up a conversation, and even though the attraction sizzles between them, Noah must decline the offer of a morning coffee. The interview is crucial, and he needs to focus on getting the job, not getting a date.

When Aiden discovers the enigmatic man on the train is the same man he is interviewing, he is torn. But he knows Noah is the right man for the job, and he attempts to put some professional distance between them. However, it’s not long before Noah makes his way under Aiden’s skin.

Neither man can afford to risk their employment, but keeping their relationship a secret takes its toll. When things get ugly, they need to decide what’s more important—or if the job is worth the sacrifice.

Here’s what some readers are saying about Aiden and Noah:

“Check out this book if you want a fun read with scorchin’ hot sex! A great love story.” ~ Jamie. Alpha Book Club

“The motions in this book (like other M/M books) were so much stronger. The devotion the guys have to each other and their families feels so much bigger. I really loved how this story was told and the spicy factor was just enough!” ~ Lora. On Goodreads.

leaves 400

Buy Links:

Amazon    All Romance    Smashwords    Barnes and Noble    iBooks

Don’t forget to check out book #2 As the Ice Melts. Releasing April 01.

A bulging disc, edits and few days in the country.

About five days before I was due to fly to Sydney to spend a few days in the Hunter Valley with bestie Nic Starr and N.R. Walker, my back started playing up. I took a few pills and went to bed. The next morning I couldn’t move. I couldn’t stand, sit, move about. Nothing. Lucky for me, I’m good friends with my physiotherapist so I explained my symptoms to her on a Sunday afternoon. I was ordered to not sit. Ever. Avoid sitting like the plague, she told me. So how was I supposed to survive a four flight to Sydney then another two hour drive to wine country?

I don’t know how I did it, but I did. I did all the right things to get my spine moving again and within a few days I was up and about. Special exercises, stretching and absolutely no bending or sitting. I got on the plane, but it was a tough flight and I still don’t know how I managed to do it. I arrived at the Hunter sore and in desperate need of a lie down and some pain meds. Lucky for me my problem was contained before it started to affect my legs.

I spent 5 days with Nic and Walker and while they were both tapping away at their keyboards while sitting at the dining table, I lay on the couch and chatted. I had a wonderful time away, I just wish I was a little more mobile and a little less pathetic. However, our little writers retreat in the country was well worth the pain of getting there and it was filled with lots of laughter, gossip and great gourmet food prepared by Nic. Walker and I were more than happy to help her eat it.


Nic’s driveway

While in the country I managed to get the first lot of edits done for True Blue. They took me the entire 5 days I was away to do because I wasn’t able to sit down for long stretches of time. They normally would’ve taken me a day, but at least they’re done now. (Release is scheduled for mid May.)

So, now I’m back home and trying to get on top of things again. I’m still not allowed to sit down for any longer than an hour, which is making writing this blog post a little difficult, plus I’m attempting to get the arc’s ready for As the Leaves Fall and As the Ice Melts. They’re coming, I promise. Does this mean the release is pushed back? Not at this stage. I should be okay to get them ready for publishing. Ever tried using a laptop whilst flat your back? Not as easy as you might think.

Anyway, the point is, if you’re waiting on something from me, please be patient. I’m working through my very long list, but it’s taking me longer than it should.

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Much love