Ick factors and pushing boundaries. (NSFW… because that’s fun!)

Don’t you love that NSFW acronym? It just makes me want to click, clicky click click, no matter what it might be hiding.

Here’s a safe pic because I know that’s the first one that will show up on FB.


Last week I dipped my toe into the paranormal pool. Not my usual swimming hole, but they say change is good. Right?

Well, I’m still not convinced vampires are my thing but it certainly wasn’t bad. I may have better luck with shifters (a girlfriend and I have labeled these stories, “I’m Fucking My Dog” books.)

I’m not dissing paranormal. Hell I loved Twilight. It’s just not something that tweaks my buttons but I’m determined to give them a go. I’m even reading another vampire story right now and if anyone has any recs for a really good shifter book that will make me change my mind, I’m all for it.

You know what else I read this week?

Brothers. (Labeled by me: “I’m Fucking My Brother”)

Yep. I got right into the twincest thing. I’m pushing my boundaries lately.

Brave I am.

SinkI read a scene with brothers once, they weren’t the MC’s in the story, but the sex between them was pretty graphic, and it totally squicked me out. That was a while ago now and I like to think my ick factor isn’t what it was. I picked up Gemini by Chris Owen which is menage (hot!) and with twins. If you took the sex out the story, it’d be about 5 pages long. No problem with me. I only read menage for the sex so the more the better. After all, when I’ve had a bad day at work and I have a sink full of dishes to do, what better way to get my mojo back than to get fucked up the arse by my lover while I’ve got dishpan hands. Then just to make it more interesting, my lover can also get fucked by my brother while we’re there. Hell, I got nothing else to do. The dishes can wait.

What I didn’t get from the story was the brother thing. The story introduced the twins as lovers. You didn’t get a feel that the boys grew up together and did brotherly stuff before their feelings changed and the sex happened. It was easy to read because I didn’t picture them as brothers. Plus the sex. It was everywhere and I have to give kudos to the author because not one scene was the same. It was truly one of those one handed reads. If you want to check it out you can do so here.

Two men


So I backed up my vampire novel with twincest. I’m currently reading another vampire and have another brother story locked and loaded.

I’m waiting for the ick factor.

I may be waiting a while.



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